

The Top 5 Movies with Cornfields

cornfield movies

You might think there are only so many ways to film cornfields, but there are hundreds of movies with corn fields in them, and they all have different styles and plots. Some have scary monsters and creepy villains, others have…

Birthday Parties at the Corn Maze

super mega ride n slide

Get Lost at Maize Adventure with Friends Looking for a unique birthday party treat?Want something family friendly and adventurous?Want to have fun and party all in one place? Schedule Your Fall Birthday Party at Maize Adventure Welcome to the best…

Corn Maze Tips

a close up of a lush green field

How to Get Lost and How to Find Your Way Out Never been to a corn maze?Wonder if there are any corn maze secrets?Want to master your skills and beat last year’s time? Are you ready for what’s become a…

Fun Boy Scout Activities in Greensboro

Maize Adventure 2022

Get Lost at Maize Adventure Corn Maze! Need to practice navigation skills?Want to build teamwork in your troop or pack?Do your boys need to practice leadership skills? Head to the Corn Maze with Your Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts Looking…

Great Fall Date in a Corn Maze

a man and a woman standing in front of a tree

Get Lost with Your Date at Maize Adventure Corn Maze! Tired of dinner and a movie?Looking for a fun and adventurous date idea? Grab Your Sweetheart and Head to Maize Adventure Autumn is here! The air is fresh and crisp.…

Dog-Friendly Activities at Kersey Valley

a dog on a leash standing on grass

Bring Your Dog to the Maize Adventure Corn Maze! Are corn mazes dog friendly?Looking for something fun to do with your pup? Get Lost at Maize Adventure with Your Pup When it comes to dog-friendly activities in the Triad, Kersey…